I really should be in bed but I'm staying up to appease you ;). I also made a commitment to myself to see this through way back almost a year ago and I'm going to make sure I do it.
So let me just catch you up. Amarillo fell through as you all know. I called the head coach at Jenks Swim Club and was almost immediately hired. I moved to Tulsa and was living with my aunt. A few weeks later I applied to work at Hideaway Pizza as a waitress to make extra money. I got that job and literally a week later had an apartment. I moved in right around the Christmas season. My first weekend I actually took a trip to Searcy for two of my closest friends' wedding. Then I was back at it here in Tulsa working. I traveled down to Dallas for two days for Christmas with the family, then got caught in the blizzard on the way back up here. I've made many new friends from church, Hideaway, and coaching. I've also fallen in love with a group of kids I like to call my own.
I've been blessed with so many smiles, laughs, hugs, and surprise visits at Hideaway from those kids. I've gotten to laugh at their silliness, smile at their dedication, and support them when they are hurt. And you know what, Hideaway isn't half bad. I've really enjoyed my month of working there. I come home tired every day but I really don't have any regrets. I can honestly say I have a full life right now. I have a full and wonderful life. There are days where I question why I'm doing what I'm doing and days where I wonder why God has me where He does, but I still don't think I would rather be anywhere else.
Through all of this I am learning to trust in Him so much more. I'm learning to listen to the whispers He sends me throughout the day. And most importantly, I'm learning more about how to be like His son. So I hope you continue this journey with me. I hope to not stray from our path any longer.
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