You know what's better than getting a compliment for your work? Hearing about the compliments your boss has been giving you from someone else. There's just something about it that I appreciate more. You know they're real. They aren't just people trying to be nice to your face. Why compliment someone to another if it wasn't true? There's no point. It's just a waste of breath. Also, I get really awkward when someone gives me a compliment for something I'm supposed to be doing so hearing from someone else helps me keep my normality.
I know I've said it before. I'm saying it again. This job has been so tiring! I'm on my feet all day long or worse my knees, which by the way were swollen for a bit on Monday. I'm up and down ladders. I'm painting, puttying, sanding, stapling, nailing, sawing, building, hauling, cleaning, moving eight foot walls that weigh more than me. Today I spray glued burlap onto those walls and ended up finding an alternative to hairspray (works wonders) and gained a new layer of arm hair that made me look like a werewolf. (that would be the pieces of burlap that fell off as I was adhering it to the walls) But now here's the icing on the cake. I'm not complaining about doing these things. I actually really enjoy it! And now that I know that I'm appreciated for my work it makes it that much easier.
See, I didn't know I was doing anything extraordinary. I was just doing what I was told. I wasn't trying to complete it in record time, I wasn't trying to go above and beyond. All I was doing was the job designated to me. "Put burlap on those walls." I put the burlap on the walls. "Go cut those boards." I went and cut the boards. "Do this. Do that." I did this and that. Guess God really blessed me with this job since the guy I'm working for wouldn't stop bragging about me to my mom and the two people who own the show room. Oh and the owners of the show room have also been impressed with me, which they so kindly told my mom. Three people impressed; I'll take it. I'm now glad I stuck with this job since after the first day I didn't want to go back.
Recently, which mostly means in the last four days, I've really been noticing the mysterious ways of our Father. Yesterday I was discouraged by His mystery. Today, well today I'm seeing He's got this whole thing figured out. I don't know what will come from this job that sadly ends next week, but it's given me some hope that I can succeed in this world. And who knows, maybe it will turn into a full time position, if not now but later down the road. I'm just learning that keeping a positive attitude even when you're a college graduate who's doing manual labor instead of sitting behind her desk in her corner office (that's an exaggeration) can come in your favor... and it really helps keep you going when your feet feel like they are about to fall off and your legs are so tired they won't let you stand up once your butt has found a chair. So keep smiling world. :)
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