Monday, March 11, 2013

My Own March Madness (Day 382-392)

Where did March go? We are practically halfway through it and this is my first post. My excuse is March has been my busiest month of the year so far, and if you saw how busy February was then you might have trouble believing me.

March started off with Oklahoma Age Groups. That meet was by far the best/most tiring/longest meet I've ever coached. It was three full days of swimming with each day starting before the sun came up and finishing well after it sunk below the horizon. It finished on Sunday but it took me until Wednesday  of the next week to fully recover. The only thing was I woke up every morning ready to get to the pool and I came back every evening tired but excited. I lived to see my kids compete and they of course didn't let me down. We once again had best times from almost everyone. Even the swimmers who had made best times the week before were dropping yet again. They don't know it, but that isn't an easy task. I can't put words to how proud and thankful I am to have those kids in my life. I know I say it in almost every post, but they mean so much to me. I pray I mean the same to them and that God guides me every time I'm around them.

I also was just recently in a wedding. Well, I actually just got home today. My best friend, Liz, let me share her happy day with her on March 10th as one of her bridesmaids. I was a complete wreck this past weekend. I couldn't touch her without crying, I couldn't hug her without shedding tears. This was my best friend! Getting married! That's never happened to me before! I've never been in a wedding where I shared so many memories with the bride. Now of course they were happy tears. There was nothing upsetting about the marriage at all. I am so thankful she found a good man who I know treats her and will forever treat her well. Nathan is a blessing in my life because of the blessing he's made in hers.

Today, also started early (I'm starting to see a nasty pattern begin in my life). I was up, dressed and out the door at 7:30 so I could catch my flight back to Tulsa. I finally arrived home after 1:30 and crashed until it was time for work. Upon arriving as was told by my head coach that I looked very tired and if I was ok. Boys, let me tell you something. If you tell a girl she looks tired you are pretty much telling her she looks ugly so don't do it. But that is just some advice on the side. The real story is that he was going to let me go home and rest but I didn't want to leave since I hadn't seen my kids since Wednesday. I'm glad I stayed and got some therapy from the best counselors I know. Those faces, smiles, eyes, their jokes, voices, laughs, were all I needed to wake me up. Once again, I'm thankful for them. I will always be thankful for them and I will most likely lose readers because every post is about them. But I don't care, they are what makes me happy right now and keeps me sane even with all the other confusion and questions I have in my life.

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