Saturday, August 25, 2012

Much Done (Day 187-194)

Well I've neglected this thing so much in the past week that I even tweeted about it and I don't tweet often at all so that's saying something. My reason for neglect is trying to jump start my career and then spending the rest of the time frying my brain with pointless tv.

Now I will say the neglect wasn't all for nothing. I am almost done with my, well lets call them packets. They consist of my cover letter, resume, and a CD with samples of my work. Doesn't seem like much but I made everything from scratch so it's taken many hours of my time.. and a lot of my patience. But everything has worked out so I'm thankful for that.

Another thing I'm quite thankful for is the fact that only after posting my resume on I was asked to interview at a company. Now, I will say that it's not a job I want to stay with but it pays just as well as if I was working for a firm so I can make money while looking for something I would consider a long term commitment. I'm just thankful for an interview and hoping it will turn into a job. Oh and it means I'll get to make a trip up to Tulsa!! I've ready to get back to a place surrounded by my friends and loving church. But all in due time. Right now I'm just thankful that things are coming together!

oh and here's a picture from graduation.. finally

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