I have a confession. Ever since I've been home I've neglected reading my Bible. It's because I haven't set up a routine since being here. The worst part is I've realized my quality of life has gone down. I haven't cared about taking care of myself as much, I haven't cared about the food I've been eating, and I haven't cared as much to stay away from sinning.
I don't know what changed last night but I read my Bible. I was in Matthew and just got this overwhelming sense God was there. And it wasn't a passage that was moving. I would expect that feeling while reading in Psalm or Isaiah but not when Jesus is talking about how to deal with sin in the church. But no matter, I'm just so thankful that sense, emotion, whatever it was, washed over me because in just a day I've been acting and thinking so differently. It's been said that being in God's word daily should be a priority and that's something I took very seriously. And now after being away from it for a month and seeing how much I changed I don't want to fall into the trap again.
Once more I just want to share how reading changed me today. Yesterday's blessing was opening that book again, but today is how different I was. Today I finished my packets to send out to prospective employers!! Now all I have to do is take them to the post office. There was so much to do on those today and I wouldn't of finished them except I had a different mindset. But not only did I finish the envelopes, I had time to clean my room, vacuum it, and I had plenty of time to relax. I also didn't eat junk food today which has been something that has been so tempting lately.
So I have a challenge for all of us this week. Let's try to read our Bibles every day and see if I'm not the only that notices a difference in our attitudes and more importantly our lives. You don't even need to read that much. Yesterday and today I only read a total of six chapters. So will you accept this challenge with me?
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