Saturday, February 25, 2012

Failed Again (Day 13/14)

Well I did it again. I thought nothing was good enough to write about. You know what that means? I'm giving God a slap in the face. I'm saying "Father, I don't love the gifts You give me. I want something better." And honestly I know he gave me gifts yesterday. I've been writing them down. To the date I have 326. Some are too personal to tell, some are too strange for anyone to understand. Why do I keep telling myself that these gifts aren't important enough to share, to exclaim to the world how amazing my God is! Because He is amazing. No matter what someone may think, my Father is my rock, my shelter, my comforter, my peace. He's the air I breathe, the light that shines and warms my face. I refuse to stay down after failing again. So to make up for my yesterday I will tell two blessings.

I hope everyone was able to get a glimpse of the stars last night. The moon had set and the clouds had receded. Thankfully my friends live on the outskirts of Searcy so the first thing my eyes caught were the beauty of those lights. This feeling of wonder swept over me and my heart flew. I felt it leave my chest and take its place among those lights. It was late but not too late so I jumped in my car and took off. I knew exactly where to go. I had driven those roads so many time during the day I didn't worry about not knowing what they looked like in the dark. I traveled out west of Searcy and ended up in familiar territory. I know I shouldn't of done this, mom/dad I'm sorry, but I turned my headlights off. I know, I know, I could of hurt myself. Those stars were just so spectacular! You can't blame me for wanting to see them at their full potential. My adventure continued down the dirt roads and I took a turn I'd never made before. Maybe the Robert Frost poem was my inspiration, maybe God was beckoning me with a quiet whisper, "come my child, I have something for you", really I don't know. The road was dark, black even with my brights on, and there wasn't much to see since the silhouettes of trees had veiled the stars. A bend in the road came and the moment I made it around the corner there they were. Hundreds of yellow flowers. Both sides of the road were blanketed with a God made garden. They probably bloomed early because of the warm weather that has been visiting Arkansas. But who cares why they were there, the point is they were. They were in full bloom calling out to me. Stars, flowers, what else did God have involved? Fortunately He had more. I pulled over once the flowers had vanished behind me and in the field, lit up by the headlights of my car, were a herd of deer. Scared by the lights, they darted and bounded into the tree cover. I was content after that. I headed back the way I came, back to the lights of Searcy, the stars guiding me the entire way. It was a night well wasted. I don't consider the hour lost.

And today. Some may not consider today as "magical" as the night before but this day has been just as wonderful. Today has been filled with friendships. I've seen almost every person I care about that lives in Searcy. It's been difficult to get any of the homework I've been putting off done today with all the excitement. But to me, relationships are far more important than grades. They outweigh any amount of money I could ever make, they overpower any item I own. Friendships are what make people whole. They are reminders that this world is still good, there is still hope. They are people you can share experiences, feelings, and even testimonies with. Imagine a world without friendship. The hostility one would feel would be too great. The greatest books, the most powerful movies, always have friendships in them that make life worth living. How can a friendship make problems go away? God is in friendships. He understands them, He calls us to fellowship. He knows who to bring together during different times in a person's life. What a wonderful God. He doesn't make us walk in this world alone. He gives us others to enjoy this time. They are support, encouragement, love, trust. Friends may fail you at some point in your life but they remind us of God and how wonderful He can be.

"This is my commandment,
that you love one another
as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this,
that someone lay down his life for his friends."
-John 15:12-13

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