Tuesday, February 28, 2012

She's Been There (Day 17)

This week's been a roller coaster of emotions. Since Saturday I've been up and down and just wanting it to stop. School, work, personal life; they're all taking a toll on me this week. What makes it worse is Jesus Calling is telling me to take it one day at a time. I'm not good at that! Today I really set a goal to take this day just as this day and was actually succeeding until one little event. I don't even know how to explain what thoughts and emotions went through my head because they were all over the place. I felt peace then fear then pain then happiness then whatever else. Usually I would go out with friends and get my mind off of it and then talk with God about it later. That seems to work really well. But since it's midterms week and the tests and projects are pilled up to my ears I can't just get away. I have to actually sit down and study. I had to turn down plans and because of my stress I did it quite rudely and I did it to a person that loves me the most. Once I realized I was short, I apologized and told her the reason for my abrupt no. Being the wonderful friend she is, she forgave me.

But she didn't just forgive me, she asked if she could do anything and knowing something that would cheer me up she brought me a skinny chai latte. She's amazing. I can be selfish, rude, angry and she still loves me. We've been through a lot these past four years and she's never become too fed up to not deal with me. I've never been closer to someone in my life. Even through busy semesters, semesters abroad where we didn't get to talk, living in different places, we've stayed close. Nothing can bring us apart. I hope that after graduation we will stay this close. I hope I will never had a day where I don't know who to call when I have a problem because she will always be there. I know I'll be there for her. So today's for my best friend Liz. The one who knows me better than anyone, the one who has helped me become me. Thank you, Father, for giving me this wonderful girl as my suitemate my freshman year and keeping us together when others have moved on.

1 comment:

  1. Tears. Tears of joy and happiness of our friendship. I love you dearly. If we have been together through all this, there isn't anything that could keep us apart.
