Friday, June 15, 2012

Compliment Topper (Day 123)

I received a compliment today that was literally better than any I've ever received before and it was in a handwritten letter which makes it ten times better! All the other compliments wrapped into one cannot compare to this one. Being told I'm smart, talented, pretty, nice, are all great but this one was by far the one that tops all other compliments.

Today I was told by a friend (in a handwritten letter, which I've already stated but I'm stating again because it's one of my favorite things to receive) that my faith was an inspiration to her. My faith? An inspiration to you? I was a little in shock because I don't feel like my faith is anything close to inspirational. I mean, I want to be that wise Christian woman who intimately knows God, and I'm working on getting there, but I didn't think I far enough alone that people could see it.

Honestly, I thought about not writing about this. I really don't want to sound holier than thou because I don't think I am. Right now I'm actually searching for that strong, spiritual woman who can mentor and teach me to be even closer to our Father than I currently am. But this letter was so special to me and it made me believe that whatever I've been doing is actually working. The studying, praying, meditating; it's all actually working and that is so reassuring.

And something I just realized as I was writing that sentence above, about it being special. Well I didn't realize it until just now, but I was praying this morning on my way to work a pretty selfish prayer. I was asking God to please send me something special to make me know He was hearing me. I'm rolling my eyes right now because of course He hears me. But thankfully He understands I'm human and will have my times of doubt. But back to the point, I asked for something special, something just He and I would understand. It didn't have to be life changing. It didn't have to be large and extravagant, just something special. He seems to know me pretty well since I opened the letter not two minutes later after I had pulled into my parking spot at work.

My spiritual tears came back, you know the ones. The ones that I can't explain. They aren't tears of sorrow and they really aren't tears of joy. These are different and I still can't describe them, but nonetheless they were there. And now looking back I realize that was my something special I asked for. My faith is an inspiration to someone. Wow, what a compliment. Thank you friend and thank you Father for that wonderful friend and that special blessing.

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