Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So Far Behind!! (Day 129/130/131/132/133/134/135)

Oh my goodness I'm so far behind. Everything has been so hectic and I've pushed my writing to the back. Blessing 129 was from last Wednesday and I honestly can't remember what it was!! The same for Thursday as well! I'm not going to let that discourage me though. I'm sticking with this.

129: I'll say church because I always love Wednesday night church. Our lesson series right now is on the four cardinal virtues: justice, wisdom, moral courage, and self control. Wonderful information.

130: Oh goodness gracious, I really can't remember. Kara did cook food for us though. Her dish was glorious. She didn't believe she did that good of a job because she messed the potatoes up, but that didn't stop any of us from scarfing it down.

131: Now I'm getting to the days where I'm remembering. Some friends and I made tutus for The Color Run. There was glitter everywhere and I for some reason loved every bit of it. I don't normally consider myself all that girly. I love getting dirty and being outdoors. Sweat doesn't bother me and neither do bugs or other crawly critters. But I put that tutu on and I felt like a princess. I was dancing and twirling; something I don't normally do. It was an interesting but enjoyable feeling.

132: Now this gets to the exciting day. The actual day of The Color Run!! I'm not sure I've had many days more interesting and enjoyable than that one. Who would of thought someone throwing dyed cornstarch at you would be so much fun.. ok maybe everyone. Really, if you haven't experienced this 5k you need to find a city hosting it and join. You won't be sorry!

133: Spending time with my dad and brother. They came up this past weekend and I just enjoyed their company. The older I've gotten the more I love being around my brother. He's really turned into a great spiritual leader. He's mature enough in his relationship with God that I can come to him for advice. How many people can do that with someone younger than them? I'm one of the lucky ones who can say that. And also the older I'm getting, the more honest my dad and I are with each other. I learned a lot about family history this past weekend. It's a history I barely know anything about and even though some things are hard to hear, I relish the moments when I get to learn more.

134: Literally the hardest day of my internship. I was reprimanded for going on a lunch break and not telling my boss even though I've been doing that since day one, I was given a project at 1:30 that needed to be done by the end of the day, I had plans at 5:00, and I had to stay at work until 5:45 when I normally got off at 3:00. The deal was, I had to do a marketing plan for a new book coming out and since the designer they normally would of given it to was at the doctor I had to take over. I wasn't given any information (and I'm not over exaggerating) except the six things they needed designed. I did them to my best ability and when my boss looked over them he said they weren't good enough. I redid them and made so many mistakes because I was upset and running late. He looked over them again, saw the mistakes, and asked me if I knew what I was doing. It killed me to hear that. Of course I knew what I was doing. I was just flustered at the fact that I needed to get the project to Him by the end of the day and my time was running out. Finally, he took me into his office with another employee and told me I could leave for the day and I could finish it tomorrow. I was so upset, I cried all the way to the restaurant. I wasn't going to have enough time to eat before I had to go to my bible study and I had let my boss down. The same boss who would be giving me my grade and reference letter at the end of my internship. Writing it all down makes me sick right now.

But after getting to the restaurant my friends listened to me and cheered me right up. I don't even know how they did it. It just happened. One moment I was trying not to cry in front of them and the next I was actually laughing. They also offered me so much of their food that I was stuffed by the time I left. God really has given me the most wonderful set of friends. They come as close to loving unconditionally as this world can get.

135: Today I learned that the task my boss had given me the day before was a test. He was using it to see what type of review he would give me. The employee who told me said she thought I did a good job and that I impressed him but I still don't see how. Yes I stayed late, but I made so many mistakes, I didn't finish, and I let him see that I was upset because my eyes slightly glazed over with tears. I hope the things I fear are just Satan's lies and that he wasn't looking for the completion of the project but the fact that I was willing to stay until it was finished even after he told me I could leave. I'm praying that's true.

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