Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Different Group (Day 22)

I did the whole planning thing again. I thought up in my head how great this weekend was going to be. I would be spending time with friends and Park Plaza. Well, I found out this weekend all of those friends would actually be taking a trip to Dallas and not be getting back until late Sunday. I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't know anybody here. What class would I go to at church. I know, these things might sound petty to some, but I just didn't expect it to go this way. See, that word expect, that evil little word that makes us disappointed. Without expectations we can't be disappointed and we get those expectations when we decide to plan.

Sunday rolled around (today) and I found myself in the young professionals class; aka the single class. It was really nerve racking. Here I was 22 years old, a senior in college, and all the people around me were in the real world with jobs. I didn't feel like I was in my element and I felt like my level of maturity was probably way below there's. Lies! Big, fat lies from Satan!

I came in, sat down, and people started talking to me. Some recognized me from last summer but I never actually met them. Class was over and we, as a whole, went to service. Service ended, I met more people, and we all went to lunch. I once again met more people and got invited to a thing called community groups. It's a small group the church does twice a month instead of having Sunday evening worship. I was nervous to go but I said, "What the heck" and went. It was good. It wasn't the college group, that's for sure, but it was really good. The people were nice and welcoming and they invited me into all of their conversations. My mind went from thinking Sunday was going to be awkward and lonely to thinking it was good I got the chance to meet these people since this will be my class starting in the summer.

God changed my perspective and I'm glad he did. I can't thank him enough for helping me venture into the Park Plaza building. Finding that church was all God. He knew it was exactly what I needed last summer. Once again, today, He did the same thing. He brought me to the place I needed to be. Was I quiet and shy? Well, of course, but I'm always a little awkward until I get to know people. But He made me feel comfortable enough with my surroundings that I was ok with throwing myself into uncertain situations just like last summer. What a wonderful God He is!

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