Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Talk I've Been Praying For (Day 39)

In my attempt to live day by day I've asked God to give me opportunities to share His love and to be a servant to people. Not too long ago, the chapel speaker (I've blanked on his name) spoke about how he was once in the hospital and wasn't getting better. He kept on praying for healing. He was only thinking about his agenda. Then, a nurse who had no spiritual background came his way and he realized God was keeping in that hospital so he could show her God's love. Ever since that day I've realized that my agenda doesn't matter. I can only do with what God gives me on this day. There is no point in looking to future days. And if I'm going to live one day at a time then I might as well live each day to the very best. How better to live then by sharing Jesus with others?

Today my prayer was answered. I went to Midnight Oil and saw an old friend sitting in the corner. I went over to say hi and catch up a bit. I really didn't have the time to talk that long but for some reason I decided to stay. We got on the topic of faith. She was having problems with deciding what to do and where to go after graduation and was worried to choose something God didn't want. From then on I think the Holy Spirit took over for me, and thank goodness, because I'm not sure I knew enough to help her. Well, that short time I had turned into over two hours. Was it worth it? Of course, because I helped her. I shared my faith and my love for my Father, I put her needs before mine. I finally got to serve someone!

Side note 1: I know serving is my calling. I like looking out for the underdog. I protect the weak. Call me crazy, I think this is crazy as well, but I think I know God's calling for my life. Last summer I learned a little about the homeless population in Tulsa. I learned that it's one of largest in the nation. After learning that I broke down in tears. And then I felt this strange urge coming out of the deepest part of me to help. By the end of the summer and into the school year the words "reduce the homeless population" were coming from me. I'm terrified of that. What can I do? I'm earning a degree in graphic design. I've taken one missions course. I've taken only psychology 101 and sociology 101. How can God use me? I don't have the answer but I do have examples of how God used the smallest to bring the biggest change. David. King David. The youngest of his brothers. The Shepard who spent his nights under the stars alone. The man after God's own heart. I am a woman after God's heart. Because of that, He can and will use me. Someday I'll know how God is going to bring about this plan that seems crazy in my mind. But today, I'll live for Him by serving in the ways He gives me.

Side note 2: As I've mentioned before, I love Harding. Without Harding my faith would be nonexistent. I would like something to change though. I'm going to make a few people mad here. This was something that was brought up today in my talk. I came to Harding without a strong faith and once people realized that, and mind you it took no time at all, they put me in a box. That box was for the people who weren't "The Perfect Christian". I'm going to try to control my anger as I type this. There are two boxes set up by the members, meaning the students, faculty, and staff, of Harding. Those are "The Christians" and "The Non". Once you go in one of those boxes you have a 99% chance of never coming out. For the people who start off in "The Christians" box, Harding is four years of smooth sailing; but for the others, you'll have a hard time not getting judged. The thing is, how can someone ever change if no one is willing to help pull them out of the box? Some people, like my friend and I, have been lucky to be subjects to the great change faith can bring; but we are still looked at as being "dirty". This has to change. Without change, "The Christians" are just as dirty as "The Non". Jesus ate with sinner, why don't we? Why don't you, instead of sticking to your perfect friends (who mind you are doing the very things everyone else is, they just know how to get away with it), why don't you get down in the mud and help pull someone else out? We all have pasts, we all have sins we're ashamed of. So why do some get away with it while others don't? Think about that. Well, I've ranted enough for the night. Sorry it that hurt anyones feeling, but even Jesus hurt feeling. Without feelings being hurt no change would ever happen.

1 comment:

  1. I've had this bookmarked for a while. This message is so important to hear and learn from. I've been so blessed to see you grow in the Lord into such a great example.

    Concerning side note 2: I'm really glad you honestly showed your perspective on this. I'm sure that I'm guilty of having this attitude. Even if it wasn't deliberate, avoiding or looking down on someone because of their perceived state is so messed up and is the opposite reaction of the mindset that I need to have.

