Friday, March 30, 2012

Trying Something New (Day 47)

I'm sorry, but my blessing today is too personal to explain to you today. I was hoping I would never do this to my audience but I really don't feel comfortable sharing the details of this one. I can tell you the blessing was I finally got to talk to a dear friend about personal information I was too afraid to bring up, and when I did I was met with a positive attitude; something I wasn't expecting.

But, even if I'm not comfortable sharing everything, I do want to share something I've come to realize. When I was sharing some of my prayers that had been answered, I felt awkward when saying how God had brought me my answers. Some were very mystical, one even coming from a dream. Why should I feel awkward sharing those? I guess I thought she would think I was crazy and wouldn't believe me. Or maybe she would try and cause more doubt that they weren't real answers. Then I started to think. My thoughts led me to realize that those feelings of awkwardness were Satan's words filtering in. He wanted me to feel that doubt so I wouldn't share my answered prayers and so I wouldn't feel like my prayers had actually been answered at all.

That is why I've decided to make a pact with myself. My pact is to share my struggles, my prayers, God's answers, and anything else referring to my spiritual life. Satan isn't going to win this one. My faith, as well as yours (struggles, hardships, blessings), can bring people to Christ. Is keeping it a secret what God desires? Shouldn't we share these with others so the love we feel for Christ can be poured out onto others? Consider this a was to serve others, mere talking. Try and share one story you feel like no one would believe. See how you feel after. It will be surprising.

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