Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lots of Little Things (Day 31/32)

Yesterday was a busy day. I was up at 7AM and didn't stop moving until 6PM. I had plans to get dinner with Liz and then the next thing we knew it was 10:30. Whoops, guess homework wasn't going to get done, or a blog post get written. Nothing extraordinary happened yesterday but it was filled with many small gifts. I numbered them off in my journal:

419: 15 more minutes to lie down
420: Being able to get breakfast before class
421: Being able to fit everything in
422: New nail polish
423: Face masks with Liz
424: Watching tv in bed with Liz

There were a few more but these were ones I don't mind sharing. What else I don't mind sharing is a few pictures of Liz and my adventure with our face masks. I'm not a girl who does this frequently, or really ever, and I just had to document it. These pictures cannot be found anywhere else on the internet so enjoy :)

Yes, we look... wonderful.

Today I started working with the three year old class at the Downtown CoC. I love kids so it was easy for me to jump right in. The most enjoyable time was when we sang songs. Those children's hearts were on fire for Jesus. They were singing at the tops of their lungs, eyes lifted up to the sky. They would jump up and down and try to squeeze up close to you. I know what Jesus meant when he told his disciples you had to become like one of them to enter the kingdom of God. The passion and innocence they showed was amazing. They weren't worried that another person would laugh when they jumped. They weren't scared that they were worshiping the "right" way. It was pure, deep from their hearts. We need to learn to worship like those children, maybe then we can show Him how much we actually love Him.

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