I've been under the weather for a few days so that's why there have been no posts. Before I started feeling bad I did get to spend a fun evening with a friend from high school.
So you want to know what happened the day I got better (aka today)? Ya, I thought so. Well, I'm not ok with giving all the information away because I want to make a decision before telling the world. I was offered a job. Exciting right? Ya, sort of. I'm just very confused with all of it.
I have absolutely hated just sitting around and waiting to hear something from possible employers. It's made me go mad. I get cabin fever and I feel worthless. So today when cabin fever was hitting hard, I decided to take a drive. A long drive. A drive just filled with windows rolled down, music playing, and the constant prayer of "just give me a direction." I didn't care what it was. I didn't care where. I just wanted something to strive for, to keep going.
I had gotten a call on Saturday about a possible job. I didn't know anything about it. I just knew it was from a guy I used to go to church with. When I finally was able to call back, we talked a bit and he told me there was a position open for a social work position. Now I know what you're thinking. Social work? But you're a graphic design major! And I know that. But something you don't know is before I even had my degree in my hand I was thinking about going back to get a different degree in none other than social work. I know it's crazy. I just know I love children, I love helping people, and I can't stand seeing people hurt.
At the same time I don't know if I want to give up on graphic design before I've even given it a shot. I love design as well. So that's my dilemma.
Did God give me this opportunity because He wants to work through me with this career? Or was this just a coincidence? When the opportunity was first given to me I was all for it. It a bit scary, but if God's taking care of me I know I can handle it. Now, after having a few hours to contemplate it, I'm freaking out because it's such a huge change. So for anyone out there reading. Please pray that God grants me wisdom to discern what I should do.
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