Sunday, September 2, 2012

Relieve Hunger (Day 202)

I found myself southwest of downtown Dallas today. It's not really the place where you would find me. Bars on windows, cars locked behind iron fences, even barbed wire in some places, but it's also a place where the nonprofit organization Hunger Busters is located. It's a place my mom has been volunteering for a year now and today I got to go with her.

Located in a tiny building is a organization that puts together box lunches for children who don't get three meals a day. They serve eleven schools in Dallas and feed over 150,000 meals a year. Today we put together around 800 sandwiches and boxed 650 of them and I enjoyed every minute of it. I've always loved serving and most of the time I forget how much I love until I find myself in the middle of it. It's said that when you put your heart into serving you get more out of it than the people you're serving. I find that to be true. It's not that I find myself above people now, it's that I feel good that I helped. I feel like I did a small part to make sure those that don't have as much as me are being taken care of. I'm doing what God called us to do. It felt nice to finally give back, and that's why I've decided that since I don't have a job at the moment I'm going to spend my time putting together box lunches for hungry children every day until I get that job. Hopefully I'll keep learning with every day I go.

Hunger Busters has big dreams for Dallas and right now they don't have the funds to support all the children they would like. If you're interested in the organization check out their website.

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