Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Pride (Day 200/201)

Wow 200 posts. Hit a pretty big milestone yesterday. I got a wonderful message from a friend a few days ago but I just had the chance to read it. It was beautiful writing. Part of it said,

God is so good! He's going to teach you so much about His love for you! Keep opening your heart to Him, and when there's hesitation, know that it's because you're yearning deep inside to be with Him, but because of the lies
Satan has told you, you're afraid God might disappoint you. Just remember that God is love and He does nothing out of selfish ambition. He only does what is best for us. And that's what's crazy!!! He is Almighty God and has the power to squish us like bugs and make us work for Him, but He came to set us free from guilt and shame; to never have to work ever again, but only receive what He has already done on the cross, so His holiness may be manifested in us. All He wants Katherine, is for you to give up trying to please Him because who you are already does. He is so in love with you!

Isn't that beautiful? It was so encouraging and I thank her for that.

Today was just a lazy day watching tv. Football season kicked off today, well technically not today, but  for me it did because it was the day the Sooners played. The game was a bit disappointing but it was nice to relax. Another disappointing thing was I didn't get a call back for a second interview. But even though I'm a bit upset, it was for the good. It was what I had been praying for. I had asked that if it wasn't where I needed to be that I wouldn't get it. So even though it hurt my pride a bit, I'm happy. What's that saying? Blessing in disguise? Ya, I think that's the one.

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