Thursday, April 5, 2012

Drifting (Day 53/54)

I've been drifting. Since I got sick I've found myself occupying my time with things that distract me from God. Yesterday I got on here to write something and realized I hadn't thanked God for anything. I did on the other hand find plenty of negative things to ruin my day. And not once did I even talk to Him about those things. Not once did I even lift up a few words to Him. So, I decided I would wait until today to see if I could think of anything to say about yesterday.

I was a bit ashamed with myself. How could I let myself falter? I know, I know. I'm human and it's going to happen. I just felt downright selfish. Over the past two months I've been given a lot and I didn't even take the time to thank. Well, until I was typing this I didn't really think much about how Jesus Calling answered all this for me. Today said, "I take pleasure in hearing your prayers, so feel free to bring me all your requests. The more you pray, the more answers you can receive." The rest you'll have to read for yourself. :)

So, it may seem weird to you. You might be think where the heck is she going with this, but I'm saying this because it all fits perfectly. I told you I was drifting. I wasn't praying as much. I was expecting to see gifts without seeking. How is that possible? The more I seek, the more I find. Both Matthew and Luke say "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

Do you get it yet? I wasn't seeking so I wasn't seeing His blessings. Now, I'm not saying they weren't there. Most likely they were, but without praying for things I wasn't receiving them. Prayer is such an important part in our lives. I think we forget that. For you all who are married or dating; do you go without talking to your significant other? And for those who are single; do you ignore your best friends? Umm, no. Prayer is communication. Prayer is not talking to air and hoping it floats up to heaven's gates. When we pray, it's heard. Jesus, just like any other person, loves to hear from the ones He loves. So, let's try this together. Let's pray about everything. Let's keep Jesus in our lives, every step of the way. Don't just take Him off the shelf when you really need something. Have that relationship we are called to have. I can tell you for a fact that it's a relationship worth having.

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