I tried my hardest to post every day but it didn't work out so well.
So some exciting news happened. Two of my best friends got engaged!! And I got to be a part of it. Not the engagement but the ring ceremony.. it's this weird tradition Harding does. But I got invited to it even though I wasn't part of Delta Gamma Rho. It was so exciting seeing her smile and his eyes. I've been told you can tell when a girl is in love by her smile and a boy by his eyes. I saw both. I've seen it before with this couple but today it was radiating. It made me extremely happy to see them so happy.

There are many emotions going through my head right now. I've been in the art gallery alone for most of the night tonight so I've had a lot of time to think. I've smiled, laughed, cried. I didn't expect putting up my show would be this emotional. I guess it's signaling the ending of college. I've waited four years for this; now it's about to be over. The weird thing is, the one emotion I should have isn't there. I should be stressed. I should be swimming in it! But I'm not; I'm perfectly calm. My motto for this weekend has become "it will all work out." And honestly, three things have already gone wrong, but for some reason I just keep believing everything will work out. Maybe it's because this isn't new to me. I've set up many shows before and they've all worked out. Maybe it's because it's only Friday and the cramming hasn't started. Maybe it's because I was so worried about being behind I got really far ahead. But maybe it's God. I think it's God. I think it's my new found assurance that this show doesn't define who I am or what I can become. I think I've finally realized I'm not defined by what I do, but by who I am in Christ. Hopefully I can keep this up even when it's Sunday night, my feet are dragging, and it's almost time to lock up. Hopefully I can remember that no matter how this turns out my life isn't determined by this show.

After 5 hours of painting
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