Monday, April 9, 2012

Perseverance (Day 56/57/58)

Saturday: I got to see my family. There wasn't anything specific to call a blessing. Just getting to see them. It's hitting me that I'm not moving back home when I graduate. They aren't going to be a room away, not even a few miles away. And I know, I've been six hours away for the past four years but it's different this time. In college there was always that day when I went back home. Now, I will literally be living in a different city. I'll be living there full time, making a living, and starting a new life. My days with them numbered so every time I see them is a blessing. Goodness, I've been so emotional lately. I guess it's all the changes going on in my life. They're all hitting at once and the uncertainty of life after college is just as scary as it is exciting.

Sunday: After my parents left I had to run to a photo shoot for my senior seminar class. It was the first major thing any of us had done to get the ball rolling on our show... which is in 12 days. Ya, we haven't been the best about planning, but I'm confident in my team. We're all hard workers and are very good under pressure. But back to the point. I'm not sure if everyone felt this way, but I had a lot of fun. We all were able to cut up and be more like a family. We also had all the work done for us for free. Our friends Chris and Jon ran the shoot; Chris with video, Jon with still shots. Both are very talented and they kept us moving right along. We really would of been lost without both of them and to that I am extremely grateful.

Monday: Honestly, today has been pretty terrible. It's been so busy and I've been exhausted the entire day. I used my last skip in my 8AM class and I regret every minute of it, classes were long, I have three tests and two projects due this week, my entire senior class (art majors) leave for Chicago or Dallas on Wednesday so there will be no senior show work done, my partner for one of the projects due Friday also is leaving Wednesday, the homework somehow keeps piling up, I had to force a smile at work and my kids were not cooperating today, I've been on my feet since 8:30, I've had a headache because not getting enough to eat and my low blood sugar, my room is a mess and laundry is piled to the ceiling, the kitchen, well really the entire apartment, is filthy, and top it all off, I haven't even had time to do my daily devotional.

Yes I know, complain, complain, complain. Really my life is exactly what I want it to be, it's just today that has left me crawling. But, out of all that negative, I did have a glimpse of joy. While coaching my first batch of kids, I had a small boy wrap his arms around my stomach and squeeze the life out of me. I have only met this little guy two weeks ago but somehow we made an instant connection. I taught him at Downtown a few Wednesday's back and then the next week found out we would share the pool because he was starting swim lessons. That little hug gave me the strength to get through the next two hours and to stay patient with my swimmers. God knows exactly how to fill me with enough stamina to get through each day.

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